
Smyk would go above and beyond call of duty

October 19, 2012

It was with a measure of delight that I noted Steve Smyk is running for public office over in your area. I have had the pleasure of working with him several times while he was a state trooper. I was so moved by his compassion and care of bereaved family members, and his skill in organizing honors at a retiree's funeral that I wrote letters to the superintendent of the state police commending him for his above and beyond performance.

Later I learned that Steve became president of the Delaware State Troopers Association, and worked with all the leadership in both houses of state government. I spoke with one of the representatives last night who confirmed my suspicion that Mr. Smyk was probably very distinguished in his conduct, and ability to bring people from both sides of the aisle together.

While I do not live in the district to be able to vote for Steve Smyk, I would like to at least put forth to residents of that area that he is, in my opinion, a very fine candidate indeed - a man who would be very organized, responsive, and considerate of the feelings of his constituents if elected, and someone who I believe would distinguish himself by being reliable.

Bob Herrington
Ocean View

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