
Staton a needed asset to state government

October 18, 2012

As the November elections approach, I think all voters in Sussex County should take note of the interesting campaign being conducted by Andy Staton who is running for our new 6th District Senate seat. He’s actually campaigning on a long list of ideas and programs, not politics.  He’ll fight hard to protect our quality of life.

I urge voters to check out his website summary of his platform at  He has ideas and suggestions in many key areas, including preserving Southern Delaware, growing the economy and creating jobs, expanding access to medical care, and working with the business community to improve transportation options.

What is important to me is that he is thinking ahead - how to work for today’s families to ensure that they and future generations can benefit from both economic growth and careful stewardship of our existing environment and local resources.

He will be a needed asset in our state government and will have my vote.  I urge you to join me in voting for Andy Staton for state Senate.

Pat Coluzzi
commissioner, City of Rehoboth Beach

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