
SDTRHR thanks all supporters

November 16, 2012

Southern Delaware Therapeutic and Recreational Horseback Riding Inc. would like to thank everyone who participated in our  Annual Fall Redden Ride & Walk Oct. 21 at Redden State Forest in Georgetown. Thanks to all of your support, SDTRHR had a very successful day!  The beautiful fall weather, delicious food and great turnout made it a fun fall day for all!

A special thanks goes to the following individuals whose contributions made this fundraiser a great success!  Donnel Bailey, Sasha Hudson, Hugh and Hilary Earls, Jennifer Swingle, Lisa Paker, Joanne Fabiano, Mike Toohey, Mary Anne Hoopes, Kathy and Joe Lopez, Kara Smith, Mackenzie Lewis, Eric Rosenquist, Mike Miller, Kristi Jacobs, Cassidy and Charis donated their time and talents to help SDTRHR’s fall fundraiser run smoothly.

A wonderful variety of raffle items and monetary donations were given by Miki Mathe, Helen Heim, Gail and Bill Schaffer, Gloria Boyer, Linda Greene, Carol and Don Smith, Kathy Lopez, Jennifer Swingle, Kitty’s Ltd., Kids Ketch, Big Fish, Conch Island Restaurant, The Breakers Hotel in Rehoboth, Tomato Sunshine and Reel & Reel Sporting Center. Thank you to Perotta’s for donating hot dogs and Kick’n Chicken for donating cole slaw. Thanks to all of your contributions SDTRHR had a very successful Redden ride!

Thank you to Redden State Forest for allowing SDTRHR to hold our fall fundraisers in such a beautiful setting.  And last but never least, a big thanks to all of the riders and walkers, new and returning, who supported our annual Fall Redden Ride and Walk!  Thanks to all of you, SDTRHR raised $2,000 that will provide rider scholarships and help cover the rising cost of horse care.

This vital support from participants, donors and volunteers enables SDTRHR to continue providing equine-assisted activities to children and adults with special needs in our community. Thanks to all of you we are able to improve lives one stride at a time! For more information on SDTRHR go to or call 302 644-1920.

Southern Delaware Therapeutic and Recreational Horseback Riding Inc.

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