
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 17 proud to serve

Next meeting Wednesday, Dec. 5
November 23, 2012

The American Legion Auxiliary is the largest patriotic women's service organization in the nation, with nearly one million women across the country, devoted to American's veterans, their families and communities.

You may have seen us passing out our trademark crepe poppies, which are assembled by disabled veterans, or you may have heard of local auxiliary Unit 17, Lewes, delivering school supplies to the students of Cape Henlopen School District, or maybe the Halloween party for kids we put on every year, giving many children a safe place to have fun, show off their costumes, win prizes plus have lunch courtesy of the auxiliary.

Last year alone, auxiliary members dedicated over 2.1 million volunteer hours to community service!  We are always looking for ladies who share our vision of Service not Self. To learn more about the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 17 please come to our next meeting Wednesday, Dec. 5 at 7 p.m. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month.

Members of the American Legion Auxiliary are a mother, wife, sister, daughter, great-granddaughter, or great-great granddaughter of an American Legion member (a veteran of World War I or II, Korean War, Vietnam, Granada/Lebanon, Panama, the Persian Gulf War, Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom).  Eligibility also applies to step and adopted relatives.  Females who served in these conflicts may join in their own right.  For more information, go to

Together, let's serve our heroes who have so bravely served us.

Barbara Catts
public relations
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 17

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