
Public urged to attend Delmarva radio meeting

January 25, 2013

Delmarva Public Radio provides invaluable news and cultural programs to our community as well as giving our coastal Delaware business community an invaluable media link to their clientele. The future of these stations as we know it remains with an uncertain future as Salisbury University, their host, has yet to clarify its intentions.

The university for the past year has kept the two stations running with a skeleton staff.  The Friends of Delmarva Radio, formed last fall, is dedicated to keeping the current format of public radio which features local programming serving our community.

The Friends of Delmarva Radio is holding a public meeting at the Lewes Public Library at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 29, to consider options for future hosting of the radio stations should the university choose to no longer operate these stations.   All those concerned with our cultural assets or with the coastal business interests are invited to participate in these considerations.

William F. O'Connor

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