
Thanks for article on plant-based nutrition

February 18, 2013

Many thanks for the interesting and informative article on plant-based nutrition in the Feb. 12 edition of the Cape Gazette.

Because I am also a survivor of two heart attacks, I searched long and hard to find that which would promote better health for me. In the past year and a half, I have followed a plant-based nutrition plan, developed by Dr. Esselstyn from the Cleveland Clinic and and the results have been astounding. His book is a life-changer: Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease.

We have also been blessed here in our community to have a range of plant-based advocates. Dorothy Greet is certainly one of them. Dorothy teaches plant-based nutrition at the Osher Learning Center in Lewes as well as other venues. Her site is a wealth of information. See:

We see restaurants and their chefs in the area continuing to support the awareness that food which is healthy can also be tasty, easy to prepare and available.

Knowledge of this lifestyle is saving lives. I feel strongly that we need to encourage all physicians and health care professionals to share this information, so that the patient can make informed decisions regarding their health; it is not enough to say that most will not want to restrict their eating.

I feel passionately that any discussion about heart disease that does not include the information on a plant-based lifestyle falls short. So, I thank you again for the article.

Sue Barry

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