
Beware of recent telephone scams

March 10, 2013

The latest telephone scam hit my house recently with two calls to my wife, both from a woman with a heavy Indian (from the sub-continent) accent.

The "urgent" message was that my wife had to immediately register to receive
the $1 million prize she had won. After at least five minutes of back-and-forth questioning, my wife could not get a coherent answer to any direct question concerning details of who, what, when, or how she had won the money, or how her name had gotten to this caller.

The next day, I took the same call from a man (same accent) who, after intense questioning, told me that my wife had won $3 and a half million and a new car, both waiting to be delivered right away, as soon as my wife registered with his
company (with an unintelligible name). So, it was this registration thing that was holding up the delivery.

After much questioning it was revealed that it just meant filling out the forms that would be sent to us, and payment of a one-percent fee of $450 . Not only were this man and woman team of scammers very inept, they weren't very good with their math, since one-percent of $3.5 million is $35,000, not $450. Beware.

Ed Lane
Rehoboth Beach

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