
Pires has no regard for Dewey Beach

March 21, 2013

We are property owners who are writing to express our dismay to learn that Alex Pires is again suing the Town of Dewey Beach solely to enhance his ability to exploit our town for his own profits.

We deeply value the character of the town and want to preserve our ability to enjoy Dewey Beach. We believe that every business has an obligation to consider the well-being of the town in addition to its own financial gain.  Mr. Pires seeks only to benefit himself through his business exploits and has no regard for the town’s residents, property owners or guests.

We will be posting a notice in our home asking renters not to patronize the businesses owned by Mr. Pires. If he is unwilling to support the town and continues to take actions that cost the homeowners thousands of dollars in attorney fees and court costs, we should and will not support his establishments.

Karen J. Kruger
Gary W. McLhinney
Dewey Beach

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