
Several factors weigh into RV park opposition

April 18, 2013

My opposition to the Love Creek RV Resort and Campground proposal is based on several factors including traffic, safety, county economics, and status of other RV parks. I have history in this area, having owned a home in Plantations East for 12 years prior to relocating to The Retreat at Love Creek in 2011.

The primary cause of my move was the dramatic increase in traffic and safety issues on Plantation Road. Traffic routinely backs up on Plantations Road/Waverly Road from Robinsonville to Old Landing Road. It is not unusual for this approximate 3/4 mile drive to take 25 minutes on a weekend or holiday. The accidents were so frequent in front of the Plantations, a system of lane markers was deployed with little success.

I personally witnessed two accidents and a trooper mentioned 10-12 accidents occurring in a year. Adding tractor-trailer sized vehicles to this traffic equation will only increase the stress on these roads and further endanger local residents.

I fully support sensibly planned housing growth for this area – consistent with current development. Tax revenues can only make our county better. As previously commented on in this publication, minor revenues will be collected by a RV park, zero realty transfer taxes.

These campgrounds will always start with glorious presentations and commitments from the developer. Have you ever seen an ugly brochure? Then when you arrive at the destination you realize the pictures deceived you. Based on visits to other local parks, it is my view that this project will never fit into the local area.

It is not consistent with the County Comprehensive Plan and other development (existing or planned). I urge our government officials to deny the conditional use and for the developer to do the right thing – create the appropriate project for this pristine land.

Richard Wright

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