
Join me in honoring federal workers

April 24, 2013

Across the country government employees protect and serve our nation. To honor these workers and their service, May 5-11 has been designated as Public Service Recognition Week.

I want to personally express my support for the over 13,000 active and retired federal workers in Delaware. Won’t you join me?

If you checked the weather forecast before going outside this morning, thank the federal employees at the National Weather Service who alert us to impending storms. If your child played with a toy today, thank the federal employees at the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission who administer our toy safety standards. If you travel to a national park this summer, thank the park rangers who help families create lifetime memories. No travel plans? Here’s something you can do from your own front door: If you received your mail today, thank the U.S. Postal Service carrier who delivered it.

Many of the services on which Delaware rely are made possible by America’s federal workforce. We probably don’t realize all that our federal worker neighbors do for us, but I hope they know that we appreciate their service to our country.

Erik Anderson

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