
Reardon has Lewes's best interests at heart

May 9, 2013

We would like to encourage the residents of Lewes to vote for Dennis Reardon for city council. He has been coming to Lewes for most of his life, and cares deeply about our wonderful community. He has no personal agenda, just the desire to maintain the character and charm of Lewes.

We have been friends with Dennis for many years and know he is a man of integrity. He approaches problems in a logical, level-headed manner and pays attention to the interests and concerns of all affected parties. He knows how to arrive at decisions that work well for everybody concerned.

He is a fiscally conservative man who will vote to use your tax dollars wisely. If you elect Dennis you can be assured when he votes on an issue he will consider what is best for Lewes both short term and long term.

Dennis is a member of the Lewes Planning Commission, the Overfalls Foundation Board of Directors, and the Lewes BPW Citizens' Roundtable Advisory Group. He is also a board member of the Blood Bank of DE and the Human Rights Commission in both Delaware and New Jersey.

Having served for 22 years in Family Court as a chief master, he established the first program for Delaware’s Family Court system for the arbitration of criminal charges. This experience has given Dennis the ability to listen to various viewpoints in order to arrive at a decision that serves all parties. He also worked for 18 years as the director of admissions and marketing at a residential/educational service for developmentally challenged individuals.

We know that Dennis Reardon has Lewes' best interests at heart. He has the credentials and skill sets to serve Lewes and its citizens well.

Please Elect Dennis Reardon on May 11.

James and Wanda Berrigan

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