
Joseph has much to contribute to Lewes

May 10, 2013

Behind Nancy Stenger Joseph's outgoing personality and ever ready smile is a serious, accomplished longtime Lewes resident who takes public service seriously. She is a past appointee to the Governor's Human Relations Commission, has been elected to several terms of the Lewes Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and has served by the mayor's appointment to the Lewes Pedestrian Safety Committee.

Always creative and productive for the community good, Nancy envisioned a way to boost our Lewes retail economy with the creation and publication of two local guides : "The Best Places in Town"  and "Delaware Beach Weddings," for which she received The Good Samaritan Award, the Governor's Tourism Award and Good Neighbor of Business Award .

Continuing to use her skills for the service of others , Nancy is currently a member of the Entrepreneurship Advisory Board for Del Tech, an active member of Bethel Methodist Church and a popular local musical artist who regularly volunteers to perform at various benefits and nonprofit events in our area.

Beyond consideration of her business accomplishments and community service that has benefited our town, locale and state, Nancy is an authentic woman achiever offering her considerable creative, business and networking skills to move the work of our city of Lewes forward. Having been a Lewes resident for 50 years, she is the only current Lewes City Council candidate who can offer a fair perspective of our town's past that will shed the bright light of success on our town's future.

As a fellow hometown proud Lewes native, I've known Nancy since 1968 when her father was my freshman biology teacher at Lewes High School. She has always been and always will be a friend and good neighbor to everyone - native and newcomer alike.

If you elect Nancy Stenger Joseph to represent you on Lewes City Council she will never tire in working to represent your best interests for the good of our town. For these reasons and so many more my husband Bill and I are proud to support Nancy Stenger Joseph's canidacy for Lewes City Council.

Jill and Bill Landon

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