
Bravo to Davis, Milton Theatre

May 13, 2013

Many thanks to Mary Ellen Davis and the Milton Theater group she represents. Mary Ellen’s efforts in bringing the First Annual Shakespeare Festival to Milton was a great success.

This four-day event included a birthday party for young Will Shakespeare, a presentation by Sussex County Master Gardener, Wendy Aycoth, titled, “English Gardens & Shakespeare’s Flowers,” a one-man performance of “Will Shakespeare Live!” and the finale of “All the World’s a Stage” held in Milton Memorial Park on Saturday afternoon. No matter which activity suited you best, there was fun for all ages and interests.

It is personal dedication such as this and the many sponsors who kindly contributed to these efforts which make Milton the town to watch for many great things to come. I hope we can all look forward to seeing Will Shakespeare in Milton again next year and for many years to come. Great job!

Marion Jones

Mayor of Milton

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