
Beaufait: A thank you to the city of Lewes

May 24, 2013

A simple thank you does not seem adequate, but it does express my appreciation to the people of Lewes who took their time to vote in our recent election, and those who voted for me, giving me the opportunity to serve you on the council for another two years. And I want to offer a heartfelt thank you to those who helped me over the past several weeks with the campaign for your help was invaluable.


During the campaign I had the opportunity to renew acquaintances with many and to meet others for the first time. It also provided me with the occasion to learn of issues that are of concern to many. And I must say that while standing there in front of City Hall on Election Day, welcoming the voters and asking for your vote, I had the opportunity to see the very best of Lewes.


In closing I want to congratulate Dennis Readon on his election. I look forward to working with him as we turn out attention to addressing the issues that come before council. And I want to express my appreciation to Candace Vessella and Nancy Joseph for their interest in our city and willingness to stand for election.

Fred Beaufait


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