
Not fair to criticize Dewey commissioners

June 7, 2013

The accusations in Dale Cooke's letter in the May 31 edition of the Cape Gazette, "Dewey officials represent all stakeholders" struck me as decidedly unfair.

Dewey Beach Town Council members are the hardest working volunteers I know. They spend an enormous amount of time and make huge sacrifices in their personal lives to serve all of the citizens of our town - reading, researching, preparing for and participating in town meetings; interacting with residents and businesses to stay abreast of issues; engaging in town committee matters; and attending town events as their time permits.

Some current commissioners hold full time jobs in addition to their unpaid positions in service to the town. Some split their time between two residences and travel back and forth to discharge their responsibilities in both places. So, criticizing them for failing to attend certain town events seems grossly unfair.

To suggest that their absence is evidence of "petty politics and retribution" is, I think, misguided. Perhaps Dale was not in town when Commissioner Joy Howell's letter to the editor "Room for many volunteers" appeared in the Jan. 25, Cape Gazette thanking, by name, the groups that Dale claims are unappreciated by our council members (read letter at

Commissioner Howell voiced her appreciation to those volunteers as well at the Jan. 12 town meeting.

If "petty politics" is at work, perhaps it's to be found at Mr. Cooke's doorstep.

Elissa Feldman
Dewey Beach

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