
Time for legislators to stand up for SB33/SS1

June 22, 2013

The landowners are at it again. There is real momentum to get our bill SB33/SS1 passed that will offer thousands of homeowners at least some protection from unfair lot rents increases and lack of proper maintenance in smaller parks.

Any time we get close to having our bill passed the landowners panic and run all over the place to stop it. This time they have gotten one of "their" legislators to present an "unfriendly" amendment, effectively wiping out the small amount of accountability and protection from our pending bill.

They have also brought out their pet to spread rumors full of untruths about the Delaware Manufactured Homeowners Association by a disgruntled ex-member . This is old news that has been refuted time and time again. The same disgruntled ex-member is one of only two (never heard of the other person before) who jumped on board a "class action" suit filed by the landowners and not supported by the rest of the manufactured housing community.

How two people can claim to represent thousands who disagree with them I don't understand, but it is panic time for the landowners because they are really afraid this bill will pass and they will have to be accountable. I pray it does pass, and then the landowners will finally have to come to the table and talk about resolving our problems.

Then, you can put your ludicrous amendments in the trash and put your pet back in its cage. This game playing needs to end so all of us can enjoy whatever time we have left on this earth. We have the good fortune to live in a state that thousands of people visit every year, would they want to come back if they knew how people living here are being treated?

It is time for the legislators to stand up and time for the landowners to sit down, pass SB 33/SS 1 and let us get started fixing problems, not creating more.

Dixie Boucher

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