
Blake Hundley, 11, wins Firefly 5K in 19:23

Benbow is 10K winner on double loop trail run
August 5, 2013

A person you couldn’t find at the Biden Center inside Cape Henlopen State Park for the Saturday, July 27, 7 p.m., Firefly low-light-to-no-light 5K and 10K races was Biden himself, who was in Bombay visiting the Indian Institute of Technology. Somewhere there’s an embedded high-speed Comcast joke.

One hundred and five runners toed the starting line for the one-loop version of two races. Blake Hundley, 11, won the 5K in 19:23 and when asked, “Have you ever been first overall before?” reflected on his long running life and said, “Yes, I think that was my third."

Wendy Rodgers, 53, was the first woman in a time of 22:41.

Enos Benbow won the 10K race in a time of 35:54. Claire Neilan, 39, was the first woman in 49:14.

Mosquitoes the size of C131 aircraft showed up on the trails close to sundown boring holes into the backs of spectators and slower runners. It is a pine forest jungle out there.

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