
Veteran writer Bob Ackerman releases gothic thriller

'Saskett's Escape' recounts tale of courage in the face of evil
August 23, 2013

Rehoboth Beach Writers’ Guild member Bob Ackerman joins the growing list of local writers who have published debut novels this summer, but "Saskett’s Escape" is the first gothic thriller.

Set on a remote New England island, the book follows a relentless quest to uncover the sordid secrets of the island by feisty Mandy Lynne-Collins, a former TV reporter turned easy listening FM DJ. What she discovers will rattle her to the core, testing her strength, resolve, marriage and even her faith.

Ackerman, a veteran of 20-plus years in video and electronic media production as a writer/director, began the novel as a screenplay - something many novelists often recommend to novice writers. For Ackerman, dialogue simply came naturally, due in great part to his many years of writing for film and video. However, after attending a variety of craft workshops - something he highly recommends for the novice writer - Ackerman realized that "Saskett’s Escape" also had great potential to become a novel.

Ackerman currently resides full time in Rehoboth Beach, having previously split his time between homes in New Jersey and Cape Cod, a key inspiration for "Saskett’s Escape."

The novel began, in fact, when one fall afternoon, while walking with his wife along a neighborhood street on Cape Cod, Ackerman noticed that many of the houses displayed five-point stars in various colors. Knowing that pentagrams always seem to show up in stories of alchemy and witchcraft, he remarked to his wife, “I wonder if these people are in some sort of cult - a Satanic coven or other.”

Eighteen months later, "Saskett’s Escape," a tale of transformation and courage in the face of evil, is the result of that single observation.

In addition to his membership in the Rehoboth Beach Writers’ Guild, Ackerman is a member of the International Thriller Writers and the Association of Independent Authors. For more information about Ackerman or about "Saskett’s Escape," go to the Our Writers tab at

"Saskett’s Escape" is available for all popular eBook readers at Amazon (Kindle), Barnes & Noble (Nook), Kobo (Kobo reader) and the I-book Store (iPad).

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