
Thanks CPD committee and Dewey triumvirate

August 16, 2013

Several years ago Citizens to Preserve Dewey was formed and alerted the citizens of Dewey Beach that a developer wanted to build a 68-foot mixed use complex on the bay in our small town. As we now see the Ruddertowne project we cannot help imagine if this building were 50 percent taller, how out of scale it would be.

For the fact that the project is 45.67 rather than 68 feet, the town owes the council that had the foresight to take the decision out of the lawyers' and courts' hands (DBE hasn’t lost a lawsuit to date), CPD and the many people who rallied to keep our small town feel intact a debt of gratitude and thanks.

So let’s say it again. Thank you.

On the other hand, like a house guest that stays too long, it’s time to say goodbye, CPD. Your strong arm tactics, your denigrating of town officials and anyone else who dares to not completely agree with you, your reckless comments at meetings and your outrageous CPD blasts are no longer appreciated nor welcome.

The practice of throwing good people under the bus just so you can try to remain relevant and play politics at the expense of the town and its reputation - is not how we want our small town to operate.

The members of your steering committee (whatever that means) have cost our town a fortune with legal fees, FOIA and attorney general complaints.
We do not need any more candidates running for election who have to kiss your ring only later to be told they “owe you.”  You have no public meetings, purge your distribution lists of anyone who disagrees with you and operate with absolutely zero accountability to anyone.  There is already a long list of prominent citizens who have either walked or run from your group as a result of your tactics. If the folks who receive your eblasts really knew of the inside game of your political machine there would be a mass exodus.

Unlike the civic league, Lions Club, Friends of Dewey, Dewey Business Partnership and the chamber of commerce you make absolutely no contributions to the benefit of the town. Your day has come and gone. You and your actions have created the toxic environment that we now have to contend with while our property values and town budget suffer. Enough with the constant vile politicking.

On your watch we have had nine, yes nine, town managers sit in that seat. We now have a well-respected man who has stepped up and is performing admirably as town manager. He has great experience and perspective and only wants to help heal the town. He was once one of "your golden boys," but because he now will not dance to your every tune, you, as your usual stock and trade slander him and are trying to run him out of town.

Given that it is election time, please do us all a favor and sit this one out. Diane Hanson and Anna Legates have shown the backbone to independently carry forward and should seek re-election. Joy Howell, CPD co-founder, should walk away from her seat as a commissioner. Our hope is that CPD does not continue to create a crisis for this election cycle or manufacture issues (e.g.; referendum on a gross receipts tax) and inflict themselves on the good citizens of our town again with their vicious and personal attacks.

The town needs to heal; it’s time to move on. We had a great town before you rolled in. It really is time for CPD to back off and stop your activist D.C. tactics. It no longer plays well nor is welcome in Dewey Beach.

Like a guest who has stayed too long, it’s time to have the good grace to say goodbye before as the saying goes - we call the cops and throw you out.

Dale Cooke
former Dewey Beach commissioner

Jim Laird
former Dewey Beach commissioner

Jim Lavelle
former Dewey Beach mayor

Bruce Vavala
former Dewey Beach mayor

Claire Walsh
former Dewey Beach commissioner

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