
Former resident comments on traffic

September 19, 2013

As a former resident I cant believe the backwards road plans that I see going on up there of all the acccidents that are on Route 1; people getting hurt or killed. Why oh why wasn't the plan to expand Route 24 to six lanes and sidewalks and overpasses like in Las Vegas for the people to cross from one side to another to get to shopping centers, and what about shopping centers and planned communities? What about those plans?

I know there are farmlands galore; I understand that, but planning should have been done in the early 1970s knowing full well there was going to be a major boom in building on the Delaware coast.  So why hasn't anybody thought up  overpasses over Route 1 for people also to get across Route 1, like in Las Vegas to avoid people being hurt by cars, and sidewalks to get to the shopping centers and entertainment. Route 24 should of been planned like this in 1970. Route 1 should of been six lanes to Dover with sidewalks and planned communities, shopping centers, etc. It is all ass backwards.

Now the planned bypass of Route 113. Why now? Why was this not planned in 1970 and alterative routes around Rehoboth in 1970 in case something goes very wrong on Route 1 and  24. Now Route 1 and  24 to  Rehoboth is a bottleneck and poor planning is to blame here. I hope you all have to live with the nightmare of traffic woes  for a good long time. Thank God I don't live there anymore cause nobody can move with that poor planning Delaware has done.

Rehoboth if you didn't want all these tourists in your town and Route 1 and 24 to be two lanes or four lanes you should of said no to the shopping centers and communities. That way Rehoboth would still be in early 1970s and there would be no traffic problems today in 2013-14 and farmland and woods would still be all around you. Case closed.

And that, boys and girls, is the result of sad, sad planning. Have a traffic-clogged tourist day.

Dale Wagner
Venice, Fla.


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