
Lewes-area Cardigan Welsh Corgi wins best of breed

Dog show to air on NBC on Thanksgiving Day
November 28, 2013

A Lewes-area 3-year-old AKC Grand Champion Cardigan Welsh Corgi named Logo won best of breed at the 2013 Philadelphia National Dog Show Nov. 16.

The breed win allowed Logo to show in the herding group competition, which was recorded along with the six other group competitions to be televised nationwide at noon, Thursday, Nov. 28, following the broadcast of the Macy's Christmas Parade on NBC.

As the dogs come into the ring at the start of the herding group, Logo will be the next to last dog entering.

Logo is owned by Elinor Hughes, Dorothy Appleby and Debbie Moore and was shown by Appleby. The dog was bred by Heritage Hill Kennels of North East, Md. If NBC posts any video of the show prior to the broadcast it will be at


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