
Let's bring some of that foreign aid back home

November 29, 2013

Our Congressional Representatives, both Democrats and Republicans alike, say "we're broke" and can't help our own seniors, veterans, orphans and homeless. Yet, over the last several years, they have voted for direct cash aid to over 20 foreign countries totaling $14,753,000,000, and those countries hate and disrespect America even more than ever. Instead, a significant portion of this "foreign aid" should be going to our retired seniors living on a fixed income, our homeless, our wounded veterans, destitute families and the hungry.

Likewise, a number of our celebrities, philanthropists, other notable and influential persons and civic and religious organizations give billions to the countless uneducated children, the impoverished, etc. in other countries. Given the plight of the homeless, veterans, hungry, uneducated, struggling individuals, and destitute families in our own country today, I would like to see more of their dollars turned to helping our own who are in need.

I’m not disparaging all philanthropic individuals, or civic and religious organizations. I know a great number also help our own needy. But, as history tells us, in spite of these efforts, they have made but a small dent in relieving poverty, disease and hunger throughout the world. I would suggest that few in our country would think the worse of them if they were to instead focus and concentrate more of their charity to helping our own. And most certainly, this applies to our government. It’s unfortunate, but true, we alone can’t “save the world.” But we alone can save America.

Steve Hyle


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