
Poinsettias: Sure sign of Christmas

December 9, 2013

Poinsettias are the most tradition of all Christmas flowers. The red showy flowers are really not flowers at all. The flowers are actually the greenish buds (cyathia) that open to yellow in the center of the leaves. The red leaves are called bracts. Poinsettias are native to Mexico where they can grow fairly large. Red is the most popular color, but many other colors are available; they include whites, pinks, maroons, and lots of bicolor patterns. It is very easy to keep poinsettias looking great all Christmas season. Watering is the most important way to have success with poinsettias. Keep plants moist but not sitting in water. Most times they come wrapped in foil, and the foil holds extra water. Drain the excess water out of the foil if it is still there about 15 minutes after watering. Place plants away from drafty windows and heater vents. The cold or hot air can cause them to wilt. Keep them in bright light. A room you can read in without lights would be perfect. National Poinsettia Day is coming up Dec.12. Make sure to celebrate by filling your home with poinsettias!

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