
Just Us thanks the community

December 13, 2013

The volunteers of Just Us, a local kitten and cat rescue organization, would like to thank the community for supporting the bake sale, Cupcakes for Kittens, held at Concord Pet Foods and Supplies Dec. 7. While the day brought snow, sleet, and rain, it also brought us many donors who braved the cold to show their support.


We also would like to thank Marie Tigani and the staff at Concord for allowing us to set up on their front doorstep; their customers were our best customers.

Thanks also to all the bakers who donated items for our sale. Iris Mancuso again joined to help, as did Joe and Jack Curatola and Tatim Kane, who first had the idea to do a bake sale a few years ago.


With the help and support of our community we can continue our rescue work and contribute to the needs of the Safe Haven cats left behind.


Volunteers of Just Us

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