
Delaware Watercolor Society brightens winter with sunflowers

January 30, 2014

Delaware Watercolor Society member and award-winning local artist Dorothy Harrison Braun led first-time watercolorists through her Jan. 11 program, Sunflowers - Loose and Free. Twenty-four participants learned how to mix primary colors to create beautiful renditions of sunflowers. The Lewes Public Library provided pencils, paper towels, and snacks; a small fee of $7 covered art materials provided by DWS.

Braun said, “It’s always a privilege to be invited to introduce watercolor to budding artists, and this workshop was no exception. Hopefully it has piqued their interest, and they will sign up with their favorite art teacher and enjoy the process of learning more about this exciting medium. I feel these first-time painters showed great promise, and I wish them continued success.”

Teaching watercolor for more than 20 years, Braun offers monthly classes in Bethany Beach.

DWS and the Lewes Public Library partnered for the fifth time to offer introductory watercolor lessons to the public through a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts. The program is one of Delaware Watercolor Society’s continuing community outreach programs.

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