Ask the Trainer

What are the mental benefits of exercise?

February 22, 2014

Q: I have been working out for the majority of my life and can honestly say I have never been bored with the physical challenges of staying in shape. However, I’m surprised at how many people view working out as purely physical and fail to realize the benefits it can have on the mind. I firmly believe that working out has a therapeutic effect that has a great positive effect on my state of mind. I was wondering if you could explain your thoughts on this issue.

A: I agree, there are many advantages to working out that are often overlooked. Everybody knows lifting weights will give you bulging biceps, but few people know the positive effect it has on your state of mind. As an avid weightlifter, I too have benefited greatly from working out and believe the psychological effects are just as great as the physical. Here are just a few reasons why I feel this way.

Relieves stress

Have you ever had one of those days when you felt like you might just snap? Well, a trip to the gym could be just what the doctor ordered to help you relax and be your pleasant self again. Studies prove that working out regularly increases the release of serotonin, a chemical responsible for lifting your spirits and allowing you to get rid of stress like water rolling off a duck's back. If you find yourself in a stressful situation, take some time to do something physical, and relief may come more quickly than you think.

Increases energy levels

Ask any runners why they spend so much time pounding the local roads, and they’ll be sure to tell you they do it for the runners' high they get from working hard. This is because frequent exercise causes the release of chemicals called endorphins that provide a natural feeling of euphoria and pain relief that can give them a natural high comparable to using prescription drugs, without the negative side effects.

Improves sleeping patterns

If sleeping is a problem, weight training can be the answer, because it helps balance dopamine levels - a chemical in the body that helps regulate sleep, allowing you to get good shut-eye on a consistent basis. In addition, working hard at the gym after a long day's work can be exhausting and will have you counting sheep in no time flat instead of tossing and turning.

Improves self-confidence

If you like what you see when you look in the mirror, you will be more confident in every aspect of your life and will carry yourself differently than if you were insecure about your appearance. People who work out tend to be more confident at work, at home and in social situations because they are more comfortable in their own skin. They also understand that hard work can achieve results even when it doesn’t come easy and are less likely to give up on their goals.

In fact, it has been said that if exercise were a drug, it would be one of the most powerful medications on earth, and the best part about it is it’s free of charge. However, I must caution you to proceed slowly, because working out, getting in shape and feeling good about yourself can be highly addictive.

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