
Near death experiences topic in Rehoboth March 14

March 13, 2014

Hello From Heaven: Near Death Experiences and After Death Communication is the topic Friday, March 14, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., at Rehoboth Public Library.

Is there life after death? Do loved ones visit after they die? Will people be reunited with loved one’s in the future? These compelling questions have fascinated people for centuries. People who have died and been revived report consistent experiences, including feeling embraced by unconditional love. They return with similar and compelling messages about the importance of loving ourselves and one another.

Those who have experienced a “life review” say that it is an emotional impact on others that are revisited. Dr. Eban Alexander, a neurosurgeon who had an extended near death experience, said “We are more loved than we know” by those on the “other side.”

Fifty million Americans, or one of out every five people, have had an experience that they felt involved contact with a deceased loved one. Sixty-three percent of spouses who lost a partner reported that they had felt the presence of their loved one after they died.

Come learn about these compelling, complex and inspiring experiences. The cost of the workshop is $5. To reserve a space call the library at 302-227-8044.

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