
Long Neck Elementary earns money and prizes by recycling

March 18, 2014

Long Neck Elementary School students are cleaning up the environment and earning money for their school. By simply collecting drink pouches from the lunchroom or classroom, Long Neck Elementary students can win playgrounds, park benches and recycling bins for their school or community.

The school participates in the Drink Pouch Brigade, a free recycling program for individuals or groups from Capri Sun and eco-pioneer TerraCycle. To mark the milestone of almost 200 million drink pouches collected and almost $4 million given to charity since the start of the program six years ago, Capri Sun is increasing the prizes and benefits of recycling through the program.

In addition to earning money for each drink pouch collected and sent to TerraCycle, schools can now win prizes made from recycled drink pouches, like park benches, recycling bins and more.

Long Neck Elementary is one of thousands of schools across the country that participate in the Drink Pouch Brigade. To learn more about or sign up for the program, go to The program is free to any interested organization or individual, and all shipping costs are paid.

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