
Minorities encouraged to apply to Sussex Academy

March 28, 2014

After reading Melissa Steele’s article on student diversity in our schools, I want to provide clarification regarding Sussex Academy’s application process.  I served for four years on the Sussex Academy school board and was also a member of its outreach committee, which seeks to increase the number of underrepresented students to apply to the school.  The small percentage of minority students currently attending Sussex Academy reflects the fact that not enough parents of prospective students are applying.

Entrance to Sussex Academy simply requires completing an application which can be obtained from the school or downloaded from the school website.  Each application has an equal chance of being randomly drawn during a publicly held lottery.  As a result, if more minority students apply, there will be more students enrolled.  The process is transparent and straightforward.

In order to have the student body represent the diversity of their school districts, I ask that parents of rising fifth graders learn about Sussex Academy - a perennial Superior School since its inception that is free and centrally located in Georgetown - and consider applying.   Currently, there is no waiting list and no lottery to enter the ninth- and 10th-grade classes.  Interested students are encouraged to apply.  The goal of increasing diversity in our schools is an important one - this sentiment has been shared at Sussex Academy.

Delbert Kwan

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