
Cape parent proud of referendum voters

April 10, 2014

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the voters that came out in support of Cape Henlopen’s referendum. As a parent and member of the Facilities Task Force III, I have seen first hand how badly our district’s students need this new building and additional classrooms. I am so pleased that our community responded to the needs of the students and the district as a whole.

I would like to recognize a few of the many people who worked tirelessly to make this referendum a reality. Thanks go to the Cape Henlopen school board for putting the plan, and subsequent referendum, into motion. I would also like to acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of Bob Fulton and Brian Bassett. They are two of the most hardworking people I have ever met, and their passion for this district is unparalleled.

Additional thanks go to the district administration, building administrators, teachers, and staff who have done, and continue to do, an amazing job with our children on a daily basis. I would also like to thank the members of the Facilities Task Force III, who spent close to a year meeting, discussing and planning. Thanks to all of the parents, especially Jen McKean, who mounted one of the best community movement efforts ever, and April Betts, whose two daughters, Maddie and Abby, wrote the lyrics to our awesome “Referendum Song”; and thanks to everyone who talked to their neighbors, sent emails, and spread our message on Facebook.

We live in an incredible community and I am very proud to be a part of it.

Alison Myers

Cape parent
Facilities Task Force III Member
school board candidate

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