
Morgan superbly qualified for Lewes council

April 25, 2014

Rob Morgan is superbly qualified to serve on the city council. He is devoted to our city’s heritage, dedicated to public service, has a background of accomplishment—and he is retired.

Rob made Lewes his home six years ago and at the same time dedicated himself to serving the city. He became a member of the Lewes Planning Commission, Lewes Finance Committee, Treasurer of the Lewes Homeowners Association, Council Secretary and instructor at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, and serves on the Vestry of St. Peter’s Church.

With a degree in history (Yale), business (Harvard), and law (UVA), experience as a practicing attorney, a successful career in business with emphasis on financial negotiation, Rob’s background fits perfectly with the needs of Lewes government.

I have found Rob Morgan to be an honest, forthcoming, and authentic human being. He has a most agreeable, friendly nature, is attentive, a good listener—and he is a lucid and effective communicator.

Lewes deserves the best on City Council. My choice is Rob Morgan.

David L. Greer

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