
I’ll never be pregnant again

April 28, 2014

Birdy is now a month old and the realizations are starting to set in.

Today, as I was waiting for my tea to brew, I realized I will never be pregnant again. Once my remnant of a baby bump is gone (which may take years!) there will be no outer reminder that I was once pregnant. Other than the small child I now have of course!

I have mixed feelings about this. First, I am very excited that I won’t have to go to weekly doctor’s appointments – what a hassle. It’s also nice to know that I am done making babies and can focus on raising them. And, of course, my life will become somewhat normal. Once I’m done breastfeeding, I can eat sushi, and drink some beers, and maybe someday go on a date with my husband without feeling like I need to rush home to see my babies. Yes, there are perks to being done making babies.

On the downside. This is the end of that part of my life. The trying-to-conceive excitement is forever gone. The Oh-my-gosh-we’re-pregnant excitement will never happen again. The miracle ability of my body to grow another human being is now relegated to the history books. It’s kind of sad. I feel like I need to have a “I’ll never be pregnant again” party.

Who’s with me?

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    Rachel Swick Mavity, author of the blog, lives with a reformed drooler (Droolface), who at age 3 loves to get muddy, drink homemade smoothies, giggle and flirt with old ladies. Her current drooler (Birdy) enjoys spitting up on work clothes and leaving drool trails as a way of showing her love.

    Mavity previously worked as a journalist for seven years at newspapers from Pennsylvania to Maryland and Delaware. In Sussex County she worked for several newspapers, including the Cape Gazette. She lives in Lewes with her husband, Ryan Mavity, their son, "Droolface," and daughter, "Birdy." 


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