Tuesday Editorial

Recent thefts a threat to serenity of Cape Region

April 29, 2014

In the space of about a week, the purse and wallet of a woman who was at church on a Saturday afternoon in Re­hoboth were stolen, and it turned out the man accused of the theft was sought by police in connection with another purse, stolen from a second church.

Two people were charged with grabbing the purse of a 77-year-old woman as she was entering a store at the outlets. That incident occurred in broad daylight, at 5:30 p.m., and involved two people, one driving a getaway car.

Perhaps the most disturbing is the story of an 82-year-old Bridgeville man who was laying flowers on a grave in Milton the day before Easter when he was beaten and robbed. He remained hospitalized for about a week with serious head wounds.

These stories might not be big news in the cities that surround us, but these incidents are chilling for people who live in the Cape Region.

Our homes, our neighborhoods and even our churches simply are no longer the safe havens we have enjoyed for so long.

Milton police are still looking for the person who attacked the man in the cemetery, but arrests have been made in the other two incidents.

Contrary to what many may expect, the suspects are not young people in their teens; they are adults: one is 57, and two others are in their 30s, arrested with drug paraphernalia in their car.

Drug-related crime once centered in big cities is now everywhere, and most certainly here, with attacks coming even in our church­es, where above all, people have an expecta­tion of safety and sanctuary.

What happens to a community when people who should have jobs and be working to build strong, vibrant towns and neighborhoods are instead preying on people, even while they are at church?

When people are no longer motivated to work and contribute to their society, where does our future strength lie?

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