
Lewes well-served by Bonnie Osler

May 8, 2014

I worked with Bonnie Osler for nearly a decade when we both served in the Senior Executive Service at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.  For years, I observed Bonnie's analytical skill, insights, integrity, and rock solid judgment.

She is exceptional at tackling complicated issues and crafting practical, equitable solutions.  Her first thoughts with any issue always are to determine how best to serve the public.

As the executive responsible for representation of the government against literally thousands of lawsuits, she worked tirelessly to ensure that the public's interests and tax dollars were defended and protected.

After Bonnie introduced me to Lewes and learning of her deep affection for Lewes for many years, I decided to retire here myself. Lewes has been, and will continue to be, well-served by Bonnie on city council.

Mardi Thompson

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