
Do You Need Life Insurance?    Part1A Sampling Of Recent Death Claims

- Private group -
May 2, 2014

Thinking about purchasing life insurance to protect you and your loved ones in the event of your death? Reviewing the Recent Death Claims chart reminds us all that:

Death can occur at any age.

Events such as chronic diseases and unforeseen accidents take the lives of young and old.

The death claims age chart shows that younger insureds ( under 40) account for a noteworthy percentage or the death claims (3.6%).

What that means is on the average two death claims for young insureds are processed each business day of the year.

Deaths Claims by Age               (2013) most current year available

Age                          %

18 and under            0.5%

19-29                       1.3%

30-34                       0.7%

35-39                       1.1%

40-44                       2.3%

45-54                      10.3%

55-64                      19.0%

65+                         64.8%

Call 302 248-8500 for a free quote!

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