
Bonnie Osler wants what is best for Lewes

May 8, 2014

For the past two years, I have worked with Councilperson Osler in her capacity as the city’s liaison to Lewes Unleashed, helping our organization maneuver the much-longer-than-expected road to bringing a dog park to our city.

I have found Bonnie to be tirelessly diligent, ever fair, and always available. Humor, intelligence, and grace are her constants.  When there is disagreement, she strives to build consensus, bringing people together to find the best solutions for Lewes.

As a lifetime Delawarean, and a five-year Lewes resident, I have met many interesting and engaging people in our town. I now call many of them friends. However, this endorsement is not based on friendship, but rather on Bonnie’s professionalism and genuine dedication, traits that have become evident to me in working closely with her.

Bonnie serves our city well.  She has earned my vote.

Jayne Abercrombie

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