
Are you ready for a career change?

May 29, 2014

Over the years, I have worked with diverse groups of individuals - diverse in age, education, experience, goals. The one thing they had in common is some type of unrest within - some feeling that what they were doing was not right for them, setting them off on a quest to find what was right for them - and to work with me to help them figure it out.

It is never easy to take on change. Often, it is easier to live with the status quo and accept that if you are able to put a roof over your head and food on the table, all is good. It is good, but for those who feel unsettled with their lives, the possibilities gnaw at them seem to occupy more of their thinking until one day they email or call to ask how they can make it better.

Change is not easy. It takes commitment, work, time. It takes a great deal of looking inward at interests, skills, what’s important to you in your life. It takes honesty and guts, because sometimes what one wants to do does not align with family expectations or life’s responsibilities. It also takes opportunity, and that often involves a change in one’s lifestyle and/or taking a risk.

It can feel overwhelming and convince many to live with what is rather than move toward what could be. On the flip side, when one envisions a different future, it can feel invigorating. Those who are brave enough to challenge themselves and their status quo, are able to bring about positive changes in their life.

People have a desire to realize their potential - to use their skills, talents, strengths and abilities to shine, excel and advance. They want to find harmony in what is important to them and match it with what they do.

What has held you back? Fear that you will make this change only to find the career change has not improved your life and there are other issues at play that must be resolved? Is it the cost, time, and energy involved? The bottom line is, if you do not take any steps, you will not move from where you are.

Today might be a good day to take the first step - consider where you are and if you are happy. This step is an affirmation that you are important. It’s not selfish - it can be quite healthy, and it can help you realize it’s not the right time or not the right activity for you. Or it can spur you on to the next step. Just this act alone may eliminate the gnawing inside. You can always revisit your career goals at a later time. When you are comfortable and excited about the prospect of change, you will be ready to move forward.


Andi Edelman is affiliated with Cape Integrated Wellness and is a career consultant and life coach. Go to or reach her at

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