
Film society challenge not insurmountable

May 30, 2014

The recent news of the disassociation of The Movies at Midway with The Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival at the conclusion of this year’s November event has come as a real shocker.

Having lived in the beach area for over 30 years (first Rehoboth, now Lewes), I have witnessed the risky dream of founders (Rob Rector, Mariah Calagione, Joyce Felton, Tom and Patti Shreeve) brought to fruition, step-by-step, year-by-year, during which time the film fest has enjoyed the support of the Derrickson family, owners of Midway Theaters. It was this venue that allowed us to expand to where we are today - with a membership of 1,350, including visitors from 20-25 states and films from 35 countries.

It was the support of the Derrickson family that re-enforced my early impression (from living in adjacent neighborhoods in Rehoboth) that this was a family that contributed positively to the greater good of the community, and always led by example.

Now it is the film society’s turn to lead by example. I have every confidence that with our ever-growing membership, supportive state and local governments and businesses, involved educational institutions, a vibrant arts community, and a dedicated and competent corps of staff and volunteers, we will rise to this challenge.

Beth Hochholzer
former president
Rehoboth Beach Film Society

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