
Atkins should be removed from office

June 15, 2014

Democratic Representative John Atkins has been warned to stay away from his wife in a recent Protection From Abuse order issued on behalf of his wife, Heather.

Atkins, representing the Millsboro district, was once a Republican, but was removed from the party due to an incident involving Atkins and a run-in with the police of Ocean City.

Since then it never seems to stop with this man. He was sanctioned for his behavior regarding a Delaware State Police trooper who dared to give him a ticket.

Other allegations involved the Sussex jail and charges of "offensively touching" his wife.

I'd ask House Majority Leader Pete Schwartzkopf (also a Democrat, the party that took Atkins after the Republicans kicked him out) to please remove Atkins from the Delaware Legislature until the man gets the help he seriously needs.

John Atkins is a king-sized crime waiting to happen.

Patricia Fish


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