
Ocean Waves Quilters are amazing

June 15, 2014

Members of the Ocean Waves Quilt Guild and others have been providing amazing assistance to those affected by cancer, working through Cancer Support Community Delaware.

First, pillowcases were provided to patients receiving care at Beebe's Tunnell Cancer Center in Rehoboth and at Nanticoke Hospital's Cancer Center in Seaford. These special bed-pillow sized cases are handmade, each with unique patterns and contrasting trim.

All are pre-washed, so that patients with sensitive skin wouldn't have any issues with fabric sizing. Then they are painstakingly ironed to perfection. All have a tag indicating that they are Pillowcases for Hope, and the added plus is that those making them said a silent prayer for the recipients' renewed health.

Each time Cancer Support Community has Outreach at the cancer centers, usually one day a month, patients can select their special pillowcase to use on a spare pillow as they rest on their sofa, lounge chair, or wherever, without having to always take a pillow off their bed.

Watching patients select their special pillowcase, each as unique as the individual who selects them, is a joy. The Pillowcases for Hope endeavor has been led by Debra Iammatteo. As quickly as the supply depletes, a new batch arrives. These women are all just amazing!

Barbara McGowan
outreach volunteer
Cancer Support Community Delaware

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