
Rehoboth mayor vs. commissioner: Red, white & blue

July 4, 2014

As I think about the upcoming mayoral election in Rehoboth Beach I am reminded about the importance that elections play in our democratic society and the importance of this election for the future of Rehoboth Beach.

Some in our community have posed an important question to me. How can you be our mayor without having served as a city commissioner? Some think that this is not possible. Many do not know that the Mayor of Rehoboth Beach does not even have a job description.

As I have watched the politics of Rehoboth Beach over the past 10 years, I have seen qualified commissioners drop out of community involvement as they feel that they cannot contribute to the future of Rehoboth Beach. Why you might ask? My answer is to attend city meetings and it is apparent.

Recently the city lost a very qualified commissioner when Mark Hunker decided not to run for a second term. My take, based on Mark’s letter to the Cape Gazette, was that he could not contribute to the city as he had campaigned to do three years earlier. An outdated government stifled his talents, which was not open to his ideas.

Two years ago Commissioner Toni Sharp ran on her vision, Rehoboth 2020. She envisioned the implementation of planning in Rehoboth Beach. No longer would we decide to reassess properties after 42 years with no game plan for future reassessments. Our city government would implement long term planning vs. reactionary government.

Spending another $500,000 planning a new City Hall McMansion, which has not been communicated to our City voters after wasting $500,000, seven years earlier illustrates that the city still is not planning.

Rehoboth Beach does not need another commissioner who sits at monthly meetings without the leadership to help create the Rehoboth Beach of the future. The Rehoboth Beach that balances its past and small city charm with modern technology and a real long-term plan. I love living in Rehoboth Beach. As mayor I plan to provide this leadership. I will be a mayor of inclusion.

I will request input, and I will encourage participation. If there are openings on city committees, I will reach out to the community for qualified folks to sit on those committees. I will not ignore their requests. Rehoboth Beach is full of talented people. All we need to do is ask and they will come forward to help Rehoboth Beach architect its future while maintaining its historic charm. This can be accomplished at the same time!

This is my Fourth of July message. Let’s help Commissioner Sharp achieve Rehoboth 2020. Let’s encourage commissioners like Mark Hunker to stay involved in our city. Let’s encourage Commissioner Stan Mills to discuss ideas of charging stations in our town. Let’s encourage input from the Rehoboth Beach Home Owners Association. Great ideas need encouragement. Great ideas come from our community!

As the mayor of Rehoboth Beach, I will champion these ideas.

Happy & Safe 4th of July.

Thomas McGlone
candidate for Mayor of Rehoboth Beach

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