
Zellers and Markert make a fine team

July 17, 2014

I have attended various city commission meetings over the years, and I am astounded sometimes when it seems as though the assembled members have not discussed the issues before them, or do not have a grasp as to what the ramifications of the alternatives are before them. I expect to hear them discuss these matters openly, but I cannot believe they are so unfamiliar with the topic.

As I make my selections for those I intend to vote for city commissioner in Rehoboth Beach Aug. 9, the field is wide, but the choices become clear that Lorraine Zellers has proven to be thoughtful and knowledgeable in seeking her third term, and Francis Markert, now serving as a member of the planning commission; both know how to reach consensus and to make the best decisions.  They will make a fine team, and I urge you to vote for them for the Rehoboth Beach Commission.

Charles Plante
Rehoboth Beach

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