
Severe problems at Cape Henlopen Senior Center

August 15, 2014

It is my opinion that Leslie Boehlert, the Cape Henlopen Senior Center director, has a problem with people of larger size; she has no soft skills, based on the way I was treated.

I was a prior membership chair. I also volunteer there. I am a large-size person. I participate in activities like tai chi, bingo and exercise. The people at the center (regulars who frequent the center) are lovely people and I enjoy their company.

I collaborated with Bernita (outreach programs) to start a food drive to help the food basket. During the holidays, a lot of food is donated, but the food donations go drastically low afterward. We are blessed by the Cape members who are so giving. My mother (not me), who is small, was told by Leslie to stop the food drive.

Leslie is the director, but where are her communication skills? She is sharp-tongued (putting it mildly) with many people. The center has a core of volunteers that Leslie has alienated with her lack of skills and lack of knowledge in running a center for seniors.

If you don’t dress like her or are small in build like her, you should not be volunteering. Leslie does have a few “people in her corner” who will support her instead of noticing her lack of skill and roughness with the elderly.

Pat Canan, the board president, keeps spouting about “being a Christian” and reminding people they are not being Christian. Hey, Pat! Look in the mirror. He calls everyone who does not agree with him a liar. Pat, that’s being a Christian?

The state funding is in danger of being cut off, due to Leslie’s and the executive board’s negligence and by-law application. Both Leslie and the executive board must step down so the center can heal, and seniors will again have a social place to go. Yes, the senior center once was a fun and social place to go with many activities. There’s a whole lot more to this story, but I will end it here.

Mary Jo DeVries
Cape Henlopen Senior Center member and volunteer
Rehoboth Beach

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