Steppin' Up To The Plate

Dewey dive dishes up delectable crab cakes

September 4, 2014

I recently posted the Pick Hit for the best crab cake, and the honor (at least for now) remains with Baltimore-born Jimmy O’Conor and his Woody’s Dewey Beach Bar & Grill. He really has no choice but to serve a killer crab cake; after all, very few towns are as militant about their crab cakes as Charm City.

Animated discussions - often fueled by beer - will certainly include such names as Gunning’s (chunky orbs laced with Old Bay – make mine fried, thank you), Faidley’s (brave the line at Lexington Market for an all-lump behemoth on a fresh roll, then eat it standing up), and of course, the long-gone Obrycki’s (they dished up meaty cakes since ‘44). Please don’t email me. I know there are at least 4,126 others. And each one is the absolute best. These are my favorites, but you can post yours in the Pick Hits section at

The pocket-sized Woody’s in Dewey Beach is Jimmy’s pride and joy. And he has certainly paid his dues. At the tender age of 15, he started working at Rustler Steak House. By 17 he was flippin’ steaks as the broiler chef. After 10 years as a bartender and general manager of various Baltimore hot spots, Jimmy left food service altogether.  For the next 7 years, he worked in the mortgage business, owning his own title company in Frederick, Maryland. It seemed like business as usual on the day a friend introduced him to her Realtor, Anne Marie Delle Donne. Sparks flew. It wasn’t long before he was commuting back and forth between Maryland and Delaware. He coos, “Anne Marie was the best commission I ever got!” They are now married.

Woody’s is Jimmy’s baby and he is a tireless hands-on owner.

Though his intention was to be known for the ultimate hamburger, it turns out that the made-to-order crab cakes consistently pack ‘em in.  Both sandwiches benefit from a grilled roll, and you can get them for lunch & dinner 7 days year-round.

Take a look at the menu at

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