
Bargains on Broadkill no place for Confederate flags

August 28, 2020

On Saturday, I attended Milton’s Bargains on the Broadkill, an annual event sponsored by the Milton Chamber of Commerce.  Wet weather and COVID-19 reduced the crowd size and vendors for this year’s event.  I was shocked and disturbed to find one of the vendors selling Confederate flags and all that that implies.  My feelings were raised to the mask-less vendor who replied that everyone has their own opinion.  I then stated my complaint to the representatives of the chamber who were present, and they advised me that they would deal with the matter.

I subsequently learned that these two issues, selling Confederate flags and not wearing a mask, were raised earlier in the day with a Milton police officer present.  The vendor put a mask on and took the flags away.  A short time later, the mask came off and the flags were placed back on display.

Milton is a wonderful diverse town with a newly installed Black police chief.  We deserve better from the chamber of commerce.

Kevin Fidgeon

Editor’s note: See for the Milton chamber’s response to this incident.

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