
Casting Shadows opens June 1 at Gallery One in Ocean View

May 27, 2022

Casting Shadows is the theme of Gallery One’s newest exhibit, which will be open to the public Wednesday, June 1, to Tuesday, June 28.

Every object that blocks light has a shadow associated with it, darkest where the shadow starts next to the object, softer and lighter the farther away the shadow is.

The golden hours of the day for shadows are at sunrise and sunset, when the long shadows help define the terrain and create that magical glow artists love, as in Laura Hickman’s “Late Afternoon, Sussex Shores.”  “One of the most beautiful times at the beach is when the sun is almost setting. The angled light creates beautiful long shadows of the dunes and fences that reach almost to the water,” said Hickman.

Long, dramatic shadows can be seen in Cindy Beyer’s “Shadow Walk” and Cheryl Wisbrock’s “Bayside Shadows.” Wisbrock said she found the deep shadows to be more inspiring during this painting session than the shimmering bay she had intended to portray, because of their welcoming, contrasting cool, and the network of patterns cast on the sand.

In Lesley McCaskill’s acrylic painting, “Staying in the Shade,” the viewer can almost feel the sunburn starting on the boy without shade from a hat or the umbrella.

Michelle Marshall’s painting, “Looking for Lunch,” takes viewers to the shore on a gloomy, shadowy day.

Dale Sheldon’s “Shadows Across the Road,” and Mary Bode Byrd’s “Two’s Company” depict the beauty created when nature combines trees with the setting sun. Sheldon depicts a complex path of shadows that transports the viewer to an olive orchard  in Tuscany. Byrd’s painting is a graphic delight with its vibrant complementary colors of blue and orange, reminiscent of Wayne Thiebaud’s cityscapes.

Always staffed by an artist, Gallery One is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day at at 32 Atlantic Ave., Ocean View.

For more information, call 302-537-5055, email or go to

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