
Coons rising to the occasion on climate

August 10, 2021

Over the course of my lifetime, our way of life will undergo significant changes. Climate change is the culprit. Ocean acidification threatens our prime oystering grounds, while rising sea levels and unpredictable weather patterns will spell bad news for our beach communities. It’s hard to imagine a world where The Nation’s Summer Capital no longer attracts crowds of families and beachgoers. We need to act boldly, lest these cautionary tales become reality. 

Senator Coons is showing us how it’s done. He introduced ambitious legislation to impose a fee on carbon-intensive imports. In short, the bill will incentivize our trade partners to reduce their emissions levels and, ultimately, accelerate the international transition to clean energy. This type of forward-thinking approach should serve as an example to the rest of Congress as our leaders grapple with climate change. My upbringing is characterized by fond memories of the Rehoboth Boardwalk, Dewey Beach, and day trips to Cape Henlopen State Park. I want the next generation to enjoy these classic Delawarean experiences. Addressing climate change is a tall order - I’m glad Senator Coons is rising to the occasion.

Helen Heuer
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