
Fisher’s Cove letter doesn’t answer questions, relieve concerns

April 8, 2022

The following letter was sent to Lewes Mayor and City Council with a copy sent to the Cape Gazette for publication. 

We have read your April 1 letter in the Cape Gazette. We still have questions regarding the Fisher’s Cove settlement agreement and general release that your letter does not address. More specifically, your letter does not relieve our concerns about the impact the agreement will have on Lewes in future years. The Concerned Citizens continue to be concerned.

If the mayor and city council truly wants to clear the air on this legal settlement, it will take more than a letter. Residents of Lewes are entitled to, and you should welcome, an open discussion in a public forum. The agreement has given cause for your constituents to raise questions about governance, transparency, sound judgement and the future of Lewes. It is important that you have a face-to-face exchange with them: Hear what people are saying, what they are asking. And know what they are expecting: Responses that are direct, forthright and candid, absent of generalities, ambiguities and legal jargon.

We urge you to convene a public meeting at the earliest possible date. We also encourage you to consult with citizen stakeholders on the conduct and format of the meeting. We hope that you hear and share our concerns.

Concerned Citizens of Rodney, Hoornkill & Friends Strategy Committee
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