
Hearing set for Northbeach violations

Restaurant charged with 10 liquor law offenses
October 28, 2019

A public hearing on 10 liquor law violations cited against Northbeach in June is set for Thursday, Nov. 7.

Violations cited June 22 and 23 include failing to have complete meals available, failing to have a manager trained to serve alcoholic beverages, giving away alcohol, encouraging patrons to consume alcohol at an excessive rate and selling more than one alcoholic beverage to a person within 15 minutes of closing.

Violations cited June 26 include failing to have an owner trained to serve alcoholic beverages, unapproved floor plan alterations, failing to record invoices that reflect all alcoholic beverage purchases, and failure to post operating hours, current liquor license, legal drinking age and warning to pregnant women.

Northbeach owners John Snow and Alex Pires could not be reached for comment.

Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner John Cordrey said a separate criminal charge issued to a Northbeach bartender for violating the last call law will be heard by a justice of the peace or court of common pleas.

Cordrey heads the Office of the Delaware Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission, which, according to its website, grants applications for liquor licenses, approves requests for modifications to licensed establishments, performs inspections and grants renewals of liquor licenses.

As judge of the commission, Cordrey hears violations against licensed liquor establishments and may impose sanctions and penalties against establishments found to be in violation of state laws. Penalties range from a reprimand to revocation of the liquor license.

Violations of other local establishments charged with one or two violations each are also scheduled for public hearing Thursday, Nov. 7. 

Dewey Beach Country Club, Crystal Restaurant, Teller Wines, Lewes Diner, Agave, Applebee’s, Chipotle and Purple Parrot face violations including unapproved floor plan alterations, selling alcohol to someone under age 21 and serving more than one alcoholic beverage to a person within 15 minutes of closing.

The public hearing begins at 9:30 a.m., at Sussex County Administration Building, 2 The Circle, Georgetown. The agenda and complete list of violations may be found at

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