
Letter: Sussex boom could turn into a bust

January 4, 2019

I would like to thank Ron MacArthur and the Cape Gazette staff for the superb summary of the Building Boom on pages 1, 18-19 of your Dec. 28-31, 2018 issue. While it confirms that this area is now widely deemed to be one of the best places in the country to retire to - it is also scary.

There is insufficient planning by the county and DelDOT to handle such an extreme construction boom and the badly needed infrastructure improvements, especially better roads, electric power supplies, medical services, new or larger schools, public transportation, etc. There are also not enough skilled laborers in Delaware to build all those homes, hotels, roads, etc.

Let’s just hope the banks, financial investment funds and private out-of-state investors that are fueling this local boom have deep pockets to fund all these speculative land purchases, new home developments so this boom does not turn into another bust like 10 years ago.

Jens Wegscheider


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